Most Kashubians are farmers at heart. Although the Kashubians of Winona adapted quickly and well to city life, by the 1870s Winona was running out of jobs and Pine Creek/Dodge was running out of available farm land. As the American frontier moved ever farther west, Kashubians from both settlements began to head west, looking for inexpensive farm land. They sometimes moved to existing settlements, such as Perham, Minnesota. But more often they moved in groups and established their own new Kashubian settlements, which included Kashubian businesses and Polish-language churches. The largest of these settlements was in Walsh County, North Dakota. Even though they were making a new beginning, they left behind family members in Winona and Pine Creek/Dodge, they maintained a close bond to their original Kashubian American community. In fact, some of the "second wave" emigrants moved back to Winona. The important thing is that the bond continues to this day. In 1990, Winona Kashubians went on a tour of Walsh County, and twenty-five years later, Walsh County was represented on the Winona Kashubians' 2016 tour of the Old Country.
